
Hey there! Just a few notices and stuff I'm legally bound to cheerfully go over.

Content Policy
Everything I write on this site is finely crafted by my own two hands, unless obviously identified otherwise. All the screenshots I use are either taken by me, come from free to use press materials or are properly credited and linked to the original source, as are any gameplay videos I might add in the future. However, if you think I've messed up and neglected to credit you, or if I've mistakenly used material that isn't mine, send me an email and I'll be sure to work things out with you quickly and reasonably.

This stuff is out of date since I no longer run ads, but I'll keep it here in case that ever changes.

Privacy Policy
Obviously the site uses Google's Blogger services, and intermittently runs Google served ads through the AdSense program. AdSense, like most ad based services, uses internet cookies to serve targeted ads to you. If you're not a fan, chances are you already use AdBlock, NoScript, or simply delete your cookies regularly, but if not keep in mind you can always delete your browser's cookies from Google if you are concerned about data collecting.

This site uses ads to support itself, but if you see an ad that looks inappropriate or scummy let me know right away so I can get it removed from the rotation. I take this kind of thing very seriously, so I'd appreciate any warnings about scummy targeted ads showing up. Make sure to copy the URL at the bottom of the link and send it along so I can find it right away.

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Hey. The one rule for comments is common sense. I'm pretty relaxed about it, so just be cool and polite. Cheers!